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Featured: Sunless series

An open book with a picture of a business card inside. Text reads 'A last scrap of paperwork.' and 'Captain, captain. An irregularity with the Harbourmaster's office. They wish to know - what term of address do you prefer ashore? This will determine what people call your captain, but your captain's gender is up to you.' and 'Madam. More zee-captains choose this than you might expect.' and 'Sir.' and 'Citizen. A term of address popular among those of egalitarian sentiments.' and 'my Lord. Perhaps you really do come from a noble family. Who's to know?'.
When creating your character in Sunless Sea, you are asked how you would like to be addressed. Many of your options aren't gendered—with selections like 'citizen' and 'captain' offered freely among alternatives like 'lady' and 'lord'. By focusing on address and pronouns rather than gender in character creation, representation of nonbinary genders is seamlessly implemented in this title. In the Queer Representation (2016) survey, several responden… [read more]